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28 days ago

96% of NFTs are dead in 2024


28 days ago


A recent report released around mid-August by indicates that the NFT market is facing significant challenges, with 96% of NFTs now considered "dead".


NFTevening examined over 5,000 NFT collections and collected 5 million transactions from NFTScan.


It found that 96% of NFTs are dead which mean these NFTs have zero trading volume, low 7-day sales fewer than 20, and no activity on X for the last 3 months.


NFT market experienced both rapid growth between 2021 and 2022 but it began to decline in 2023 and it has experienced sharp decline in 2024.


This means that the majority of these NFTs have lost their value and are no longer actively traded. The average lifespan of an NFT has also decreased to just 1.14 years.


Despite this downturn, some experts believe that NFTs still hold potential for innovation and transformation in various industries. The technology behind NFTs, particularly their ability to verify ownership and authenticity, continues to be valuable.

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