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5 months ago

What is NEAR Protocol?


5 months ago

NEAR Protocol founded by Alexander Skidanov and Ilya Polosukhin. It is a layer 1 blockchain that emphasizes on speed, security, and scalability. It launched in April 2020.



NEAR Protocol uses sharding technology called Nightshade to increase throughput and speed of the network.


It wants to solve Ethereum scalability problem. The reason why Ethereum has low throughput because every node in the network needs to process every single transaction.


NEAR Protocol uses sharding to solve scalability problem of the blockchain. NEAR breaks the blockchain into mini blockchains called Shard.


Each shard has its own set of validators. Each node in the shard only does a subset of the total amount of work. Sharding helps split the work of the node.


NEAR Protocol can process 100,000 transactions per second at an average cost of $0.001 per transaction. NEAR time to finality is about 2.4 seconds.



NEAR Protocol is a proof-of-stake blockchain. It is an energy-efficiency blockchain. In 2021 NEAR Protocol was awarded the Climate Neutral Product Label.


According to NEAR docs, NEAR Protocol consumes in a year the same energy Bitcoin consumes in 3 minutes.


NEAR token

NEAR tokens use for paying network transaction fees.


NEAR’s inflation rate is determined by the number of daily transactions. NEAR tokens can become deflationary if NEAR has more than 1.5 million daily transactions. NEAR current inflation rate is about 5%.


NEAR Protocol can connect to other blockchains through the Rainbow Bridge.


NEAR initial supply was 1 billion tokens. NEAR currently has a circulating supply of 1,004,666,471 NEAR.


NEAR Ecosystem

NEAR uses JavaScript and Rust for its programming languages. Developers can deploy Ethereum dApps and smart contracts on NEAR blockchain using Aurora. is a decentralized exchange on NEAR. is a lending platform on NEAR. 

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