BTC 65,657.00$ -1.30% ETH 3,519.31$ -1.04% USDT 1.00$ +0.02% BNB 598.16$ -1.28% SOL 143.61$ -0.93% STETH 3,519.20$ -0.85% USDC 1.00$ -0.08%
1 year ago

ERC-4337 Can Recover Lost Private Keys Via Fingerprint Or 2FA


1 year ago

Ethereum blockchain will add a new feature called “Account Abstraction” or ERC-4337. It will enable users to recover their private keys in case users lose the private keys. ERC-4337 is a smart contract that will enable users to recover lost private keys. Users can get access to their wallet using 2FA or biometrics like a fingerprint. Users lose their private keys will not lose access to their wallets anymore. Ethereum wants to create mass adoption by making Ethereum wallets easier to use. 

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